Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Rear hitch mechanism

On tractors, the hitch comprises several components that are, depending on the options and the country:
- a hook or ball joint 3-point hitch
- two lower bars with ball joints, automatic hook or telescopic links (depending on version)
- two levelling units
- two tube or thrust type blades
- a perforated bar

Description of the hitch mechanism

a : 3-point hitch bars 

b : levelling units 

c : ball joint lower bars

d : lower links with automatic hooks 

e : lower links with telescopic end-pieces

f : tube type 

thrust type blades 

g : perforated bar

Disassembling and reassembling a lift cylinder

On tractors, there are two models of lift cylinders depending on the type of tractor: � 95 mm cylinders and � 105 mm cylinders

Run the engine and lower the lower bars to their maximum using the ELC.
Disconnect the feed hose, remove the cylinder and empty it of oil.

Remove the 90� union (1) fitted with its O�ring. Push the cylinder ram (5) until snap ring (4) is visible in port O of the union. Introduce a screwdriver in this port and while turning the cylinder ram push the snap ring into the V-shaped recess.

Remove the ram and seal (4). Drive off scraper seal (2) and oil seal (3) (systematically discard these three parts).
- Carefully clean all components. Replace any parts that are scratched or bowed. In cases of seizing up or serious scratching, replace the cylinder and ram.
Dry all components using compressed air. Lubricate the assembly with clean transmission oil. Proceed with assembly of the cylinder. Carry out operations in reverse order.
- New seals and snap rings must always be fitted.
- Use an appropriate fixture to force fit the parts without damaging the seals.
- Fit the ram into the cylinder with care.
Lubricate the upper and lower pins with anti-seize grease and refit them. Reconnect the feed hose. Run the engine. Using the ELC, raise the lower hitch bars into the high position and vice versa. Check that the hitch is operating correctly and that there are no oil leaks around either cylinder or ram.


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